NEW: * *
2007-2008: ... &
THEMES as main directory ! 2008 and online?
"Theatre is not a mirror but a magnifying glass." Mayakovsky
There are two ways to do it: (1) the themes in one writer (one play) and (2) one theme in many writers (one play each). Two Parts (Writers) and Issues (Themes) are not together. Should each of the Platonic Academy has its own page? Cast: SummaryNotes for myself.Questions* The PoeticsAristotle: Structure:
123 Composition:
Chronotope: Space + Time NotesWhat missing is the connections with our current issues! Theatre Today * philosophy *
preface [ 2007 updates ] ...
Topics, themes, issues -- and how the scripts relate to us! "I and Hamlet" or "Oedipus and We" -- this is why it has to be for practical use by actors, directors, designers. Both, dramlit and playscript analysis together? [How to organize it? Questions first? Our problems and dilemas? Maybe "workbook" and not "textbook"? With the questions they to answer with THEIR interpretation!Playscript Analysis of the Century
NEW * 2005 Question: Theatre with Anatoly: what are your webpages for? Dramaturgue (Don Juan) or Dramaturg? See Theatre Theory and read The Possessed D page!* In addition to the dramaturgue pages. I have to work on playwrighting pages!
The school of formalism adviced to see the forms independent from "meaning" (structuralism was to follow). Themes are for MEANING analysis (remember, Aristotle's "Idea"?)Family Themes, Analysis @ Theatre w/Anatoly: "Family" in Becket * "Body and Soul" in "Endgame" = I am my only family...I believe that the intellectual history of the 20th century can be studied through plays. Existentialism, for instance.
THR413 Playscript Analysis starts with Ibsen and Chekhov and the evolution of the thought can be seen to Beckett and Absurdism.
The focus -- the crisis of modernity and the postmodern.
The 20th century is the most important historical era...
Godot? Waiting for family?..
I have 13 week/semester (3 hours); must limit myself to several topics/issues/subjects -- time, space, death, love, character, plot... How the theme of death is expressed through character/plot using time and space concepts? Only with such methodology any comparative approach is possible. For example, Chekhov's "3 Sisters": Baron's death (how time or/and space do work?)My "Marxism" references are mostly to the 20th century thinkers, not Marx. Including, Pomo (Postmodernism). Mostly, theatre (Meyerhold, Brecht). Some aesthetics.Usually, "Time and Space in Chekhov's drama" -- but Chekhov's main focus are characters (character as plot, character as idea). Second, "time" can't be expressed only through chronotope, only through "subjective" time and space we can have ideas about the values.
How to celect the right topics, issues, subjects?
How to connect them?
The topics are like chapters in this big story, which we call history.
From Shakespeare to Chekhov to Beckett: what is the story? Hopes for humanism, disillusion and dispeare? Trace the theme "To be or not to be" -- here are the four centuries of our evolution. And -- what is next? Theatre is always open to the future -- what are the signs? 3rd millenium, 21 century.
I better do it in reversed order, archiologically; from today back to Checkhov to Shakespeare. What are our sense of the theme "To be or not to be"? Should the current history be included as a start of the thought? Suicide as an universal phenomena.
Where is the center in all this discourse?
Film theories are full of Marxism.
[ ... "Philosophers Gallery" = "Plato Academy" (right table) is not linked! ]
[ to be updated 2007-2008 ]
This directory is supposed to take over the main (writers) directory! But the chronological order is so strong![ see notes in the main directory. ] [ filmic analysis of the "themes" in film600 ]
Shakespeare pix -- Dramlit, Chekhov -- Playscript Analysis. themes in Godot ***Next: back to title