... my webpages are for "close reading" (extra); the terms you need are in our textbook [ Intro to Drama ] -- Glossary of Dramatic Terms
* levels of dificulty : 200x - acting1 ** intermediate : acting2 *** advanced : acting3 + directing + theatre history -- THR413 Playscript Analysis class ... textbook page(s)? ... MY glossary portal 07 * when and how * to introduce -- Dyonisus vs. Apollo [ act.vtheatre.net ? ] = Nietzsche "Birth of Tragedy" * dramatic literature e-britannica
Bedford glossary Four Great Tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth (Signet Classics) 0451523180 script analysis main * directory 200X Aesthetics dictionary + Poetics * Drama [wikipedia] ... in focus: [ Oleanna, Utopia Project, Pomo, Stoppard ] ... Conceptualism and Pomo : Conceptual art is art in which the concept(s) or idea(s) involved in the work take precedence over traditional aesthetic and material concerns.[w] In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work. When an artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means that all of the planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair. The idea becomes a machine that makes the art. – Sol LeWitt, "Paragraphs on Conceptual Art", Artforum, June 1967. Conceptualism is a doctrine in philosophy intermediate between nominalism and realism, that says that universals exist only within the mind and have no external or substantial reality. Modern conceptualism, as represented by Kant, holds that universals have no connection with external things because they are exclusively produced by our a priori mental structures and functions.
Conceptualism began in the first half of the c20th. Not as an artisitic movement but as a philosophy. As a questioning of what was taken for granted. The work of the Dadaists is fundamentally conceptualist. It questions the meaning of art itself. The work of Marcel Duchamp, in particular, is fundamentally conceptualist: Duchamp argued that the idea of a work matters more than its physical representation.
From Latin conceptum: something conceived, an idea.]
-- handouts ? [ directory? doc? ] "Dramatic Literature from Sophocles to Beckett and After"-- a comic strip for every major play!
I should use it (comics) long ago!
* Godot2.0 -- shows.vtheatre.net/godot
* Hamlet.wwww -- HamletDreams + texts ?
* Stoppard : R/G are Dead
* Oedipus (to start with = vtheatre.net/oedipus ! )
... and the KEY TERMS? http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9110455/dramatic-literature
Drama (Classical Greek δρᾶμα) is a literary form involving parts written for actors to perform. It is a Greek word meaning "action", drawn from the (Classical Greek δρᾶν), "to do". [ ... ]
... * Dramatic Exposition : The presentation through dialogue of information about events that occurred before the action of a play, or that occur offstage or between the staged actions; this may also refer to the presentation of information about individual characters' backgrounds or the general situation (political, historical, etc.) in which the action takes place. [ 215/1/1 ]
A scene--as in the usual phrase "Scene One" or "Scene Two"--is that part of a play which is continuous in time and place. We could call it an "English scene" as distinguished from the French, for plays in English usually have such units designated as scenes. Or we could call it a "time-and-place scene," because its action is confined to one place and proceeds continuously. It is marked off by a change in place or a lapse of time. Scenes, in this sense, end with the falling of a curtain or the dimming or black-out of the lights or (as in Shakespeare) the clearing of the stage when all the actors leave it. The rising of a curtain (whether or not it reveals a different setting), the heating up of the lights, or the entrance of characters again upon a bare stage will mark the beginning of a new scene.
... each showcase directory has its own dictionary : Oedipus, Hamlet, The Importance of Being Earnest, godot, and etc.
intro : 200x files : http://www.playwriting101.com/glossary